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A Little 


  • Writer's pictureVelvet Spice

Great Ocean Road, Part 2

Part 2 of my adventure along the Great Ocean Road...

When people tell you Australia is hot, read the fine print.

Sitting by your friends talking and laughing is all very good until the sun goes down and you realise it might be much colder than you'd anticipated.

Under those blankets are a hundred chattering teeth.

Even covered in ten layers of clothing, multiple blankets and two scarves, I couldn't quiet get warm enough to sleep!

For once in my life, I was happy to get out of bed when dawn broke.

This final day was much more relaxed. Keen despite the traffic from the surfing championships taking place further down the beach, we drove idly and stopped whenever we wished for a short break.

The sun was kind and we all enjoyed our lazy last adventure.

Heading inland, away from the coast and into the suddenly green country, the road started to twist and weave and we started to slowly climb higher.

The Grampians were a welcome change to the flat Australia I had grown accustomed to.

It's at time like these you realise photographs will never do it justice.

And the best parts of active adventures like this are the times where you can find a quiet, scenic place to relax with your friends.

Say what you will about travelling Australia - regardless of the scenery and beauty around you, the people you choose to travel with are what makes the trip memorable.

Our road home also led us past one of Australia's pink lakes!

The word 'lake' here is being used liberally.

You see it was more of a pink plateau. There was no water.

But it was still awesome.

The lake was much larger than I had expected and was hosting hundreds of tourists when we arrived, scattered across the salt.

And so, our journey along the Great Ocean Road drew to an end!

It was one incredible experience and it showed me some truly outstanding scenery.

On these road trips Down Under, all you need is a sturdy camper, a kick-ass playlist and good company to make these trips unarguably some of the best you'll ever experience.

Until next time!

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